Monday, May 31, 2010
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Bank Holiday
It was a week until Kaydee could walk after burning her feet by walking over the fishermens fire, lucky that I got her straight in the river and her pads were OK or it would have been much worse, it was between her toes that she was sore, I guess the water could not cool the damage as well there.
With one full time job and two evening jobs by the time Saturday morning came around I had trouble rising early! (The irony of trying to earn enough money to do agility is that I don't have the energy left to do it!) However I did make it to a UKA show near Reading.
Monty, Kaydee, Zazzy and Becky with their rosettes!
Anna and Monty came to their first ever show, and did fabulously. They came second in the beginners steeplechase. They also had a brilliant run in the nursery class (just knocked a pole). Tina and Fish also had two really good runs (but missed the photo call!). Kaydee enjoyed her runs in the two casual classes (one jump height lower than her competing height), I did not do the weaves or see saw in the agility, but she won the jumping. Here's the video of Kaydee in the casual jumping class.
Becky had one gamblers run and came second. Zazzy was a little better than in the last couple of shows (she didn't stop and sniff half way round the course!), but still got distracted on the start line and it was hard to get her attention, then it felt to me like she was running through heavy mud in that she was very slow, weaves were poor, and her turns wide and floaty. In training she is going quite well so it is frustrating. I took a toy into her agility and that training run was better. Despite the rain we had a good day, and had a picnic under brollies!
Monday, May 24, 2010
Monday, May 17, 2010
Wot no agility?
Monday, May 10, 2010
Tunbridge Wells
Anyway Sunday was a brighter day, and in Zazzys last run she actually did start squeaking with excitement as she ran, so even though she came out of the weaves I was really pleased with her. It is of course my feeling that I have failed to get her competing as well as I think that she can that is both upsetting and knocks big holes in my confidence, the things that I thought were true about dog training, and in my own drive and motivation. This is greatly more complicated than I (and many others judging by some comments that I have had) have experienced before. I love that little dawg, and hand on heart, I have put huge amounts of energy, positivity and thought into her training; I have not done it half heartedly. (Although admittedly there have been mistakes). It has crossed my mind that it would be horrible to make a dog do agility if she didn't want to do it, but if I thought that Zazzy didn't enjoy herself in training then I would stop. I really want to thank those great people who said really nice things to me, what a difference that makes, especially Hazel who pointed out that this will make me a better trainer, and Sharon (who bred Zazzy) for saying she thinks I have done a really good job with her.
Thanks to them the needlework will have to wait..... I have some running around to do!!
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Karen and Todd, getting the reserve ticket in the medium champ
Laura and Boomer (Zazzy's puppy hood friend), 2nd in the grade 3 agility
Toni and Beep (another of Zazzy's puppy hood friends!), 2nd in grade 4 agility
Laura and Rodney, reserve ticket in large champ
Huge thanks too to those who made suggestions for Zazzy, and those who helped so that I could step out of the queues with Zazzy on Monday. It did indeed make a difference, and we had happy Zazzy back enjoying her agility, which is my first target to reach for Zazzy this year. Next target is to build her confidence until she goes as well at shows as she does in training!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Kaydee meets sheep
Here is Kaydees first ever meeting with sheep captured by my sister's phone. Kaydee is 6 years old. The lady with the stick is our instructor as neither of us have done this before! However, you can see that K is trying to get the sheep off the fence and get behind them, trying to figure out what she should be doing. You can see her looking round for inspiration at the end! Bless! Within her first twelve minutes she was herding them towards me and we were able to turn them and move them in any given direction (well within the confines of that small pen anyway!!). Clever girl!
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Agility ups and downs......
About Me
- Hannah Banks
- For a bit about what I do for a living, see: