Friday, May 30, 2008

First post!!
I have a great interest in getting and keeping my dogs fit, so that they can live a long, happy, healthy life, and also be in the best physical condition to compete in agility without becoming injured.
Unfortunately my dogs have had some physical problems, and my interest in how I could possibly prevent and/or cure these problems has grown with each experience. (Hence developing the co-ordination and balance workshops for pre-agility dogs).
Right now, resulting from my current visits to the brilliant osteopath Stuart McGregor, I am trying to find out how many other people might be interested in attending a course that Stuart is considering designing. Stuart runs the postgraduate courses for qualified (human) osteopaths to train in animal osteopathy. Recently he expressed an interest in also running a course for those of us with sporting dogs who are interested in learning more about stretching and mobilising the joints - see David Munnings has to say about the value of that:
So here I am at stage one, which is finding enough (12-15) people who have a strong interest in learning these skills. (For some of us their might also be some canine anatomy homework to do beforehand).

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


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